Water for A
Better Future


United Water Partnership provides an affordable,
potable, sustainable water solution to communities
who are struggling with their current water system.

Operating Since 2013

The water facility has a current capacity of

2.5 Million
Gallons Per Day
Built for Expansion

It can be extended up to

10 Million
Gallons Per Day

This system can help communities overcome concerns about supply, staffing and regulatory compliance and can provide affordable alternatives to existing needs for infrastructure maintenance and expansion.

Members of United Water Partnership

Members of United Water Partnership delegate a representative from their community to the Board of Directors, giving each member a voice and a vote. Policy is never dictated. Water rates and other decisions affecting your community are made in conjunction with all other active members.

Viable Funding Solutions

Federal and state funds are often available to help communities pursue sustainable water supply solutions, and United Water Partnership helps members find viable funding solutions that fit their unique situation.

Joining United Water Partnership is more affordable than digging wells or building and maintaining a new water plant.

Sustainable Water Supply

The water system is sourced by the Missouri River alluvium, ensuring a sustainable supply of water long-term. The facility was developed with the intention of expansion and can easily grow to accommodate new members.

Want to learn how we can help your community?